Capricorn Full Moon July 2023
Guidance, Blood Mysteries Rites and Special Invitation

Happy Full Moon in Capricorn and trecena of Kan! In the beautiful light of this super-moon I come into your inbox bearing lunar and galactic guidance, blood mysteries ritual options AND a very exciting invitation (at the very bottom, so please read all the way through!)
This full moon in the sign of the sea goat is illuminating our purpose, our work-life balance and urging us to take those concrete steps to reach the summit of our dream.
On the other hand, in the galactic cycle of the Mayan calendar, we are in the trecena of Kan or Chicchan, where for 13 days we find our wisdom growing and we illuminate how we use our power (for good or ill).
Now back to today and weaving it all together:
On this 2 Kame day of polarity and release, in the trecena of Kan (wisdom & power), on this super full moon in Capricorn, you are invited to enter into the following reflections and rituals if, it is in your joy:
On this Full Moon
May the feminine wisdom & power within and above me
Illuminate that which needs to be released
Amplify that which anchors love and life, and
Celebrate the beauty and strength within me and all around me
1. Reflect on all the hard work you have already put into: living your purpose, creating your ideal work-life balance, and anchoring your dream into the world. Then ask yourself:
What am I celebrating? What am I grateful for?
Infuse this into your moon-blood or transfigured red wine and offer to the earth in gratitude for the wisdom and power of the earth element within you and all around you.
2. Receive the gift of illumination. As the moon lights up the dark within as well as without, ask yourself:
What old patterns keep me separate from my power and wisdom?
Write them down on a piece of paper, anoint with a drop of moon-blood or transfigured wine, then place inside the earth to be composted and be dissolved into love.
3. Enter into Amplification and Empowering with the moon and your womb blood. Ask yourself:
What concrete actions/choices can I infuse with power & wisdom to anchor my dream/purpose into reality?
Write this down on a piece of paper. Infuse the intention into a small amount of moon-blood or transfigured red wine with a drop or 2 of essential oil and charge with the full moon light. Then anoint your paper with this feminine magic and leave it on your altar for this cycle.
Do one, or all three!
Feel our moon-blood’s power to amplify light, love and life and simply notice what happens when we bring her (or transfigured wine) into our rituals. Then come and share your experience in out FB group! I’d love to receive you and amplify your light in this way.
From my heart and womb, wishing you a de-light-ful full moon and week,
and extending you a very exciting invitation!
Please join us for our Free Lions Gate Journey and Temple Birthday Celebration!

You are warmly invited to join us for a Free 5 day Online Mythic Journey, as together we heal the myth of the desecrated feminine and birth a new chapter of our her-story: “The Return of the Grail Keepers” into our bodies and onto our planet.
Through the potent portal that is the Lions Gate, we will call home “She who holds the chalice of living waters” to heal and transform our inner & outer world. With the support of Our Blood Mysteries Temple, you are invited to awaken the wisdom, power and beauty of your own womb and her waters for the benefit of one and all.
Please join us for 5 days of ceremony, sisterhood and deepening resources through here