Once upon a time there was a holy body of knowledge lovingly passed from Mother to daughter to daughter. Sacred wisdom literally carried inside the feminine body, waiting to be remembered, awoken and celebrated. In the forgetting times, this knowledge -along with so much- was seemingly lost in our collective amnesia. But as the feminine rises again, so too this ancient art is stirring, asking to be re-birthed into our modern day lives. The Magic of our Blood Mysteries sings in me sister, and I sing to you in remembrance. Will you remember with me?
Please join me here
to learn about our 7 week Homes-study Journey into Sacred Menstruation
Come! Enter Our Blood Mysteries Temple! Let us remember together the magic we hold in our blood, our womb, and our sacred feminine body. Let us rejoice, heal and awaken to our moon-blood as creative life force condensed into matter, as unconditional love, nurturance and support, as eternal fountain of renewal and rebirth, as sacred pulse of interconnectedness and wisdom, as direct portal into the Womb of Creation and the Great Mystery.
Here we will open to a new stream of consciousness. To Mother’s loving song calling us to rebirth the ancient blood mystery rites into our modern day lives at a new vibrational octave. To bring them into a new form that serves this pivotal point in our personal and collective human evolution.
Our Blood Mysteries Temple is a sacred space to connect with the Ruby Red Lineage of Mother’s Love as it flows through us, and through us, into the world. A place to become feminine mystical scientists rebirthing together this sacred technology into our present day reality. A place to remember, explore and share within the magic and support of sisterhood. A place to joyfully rebirth our essence into our feminine bodies and to rebirth our beloved Earth. Such is the power of our blood!
Will you step inside?
Our women’s ways have always been through community, and this remembering has traditionally happened in the supportive embrace of other women for a reason. Now, though we may not have red tents, or moon lodges, we do have this beautiful world wide web and a community of sisters answering the call to remember together. If you hear it too, and desire to deepen into the divine and practical aspects of reclaiming our moon-blood’s wisdom and power, and to do so within a supported and loving sisterhood, I’d be honored to have you join our Blood Mysteries Temple.
You can step into the temple by joining me here to learn about our 7 week Homes-study Journey into Sacred Menstruation
If you have questions please contact me: catalina(at)catalinarivera.com