Reiki and Autoimmune Disease
My name is Beth Gambella, I am 46 years old and live in Huntington, New York. Six years ago I was diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases that became debilitating. After seeing over 16 different doctors on Long Island and New York City and being put on many different medications and not getting any better, I was running out of hope.
In August of 2014, I was introduced to Dr. Pina LoGiudice, a Naturopathic Doctor who referred me to Catalina Rivera who is a Registered Nurse, Holistic Health practitioner, and Reiki Master.
I really knew nothing about Reiki at the time, but again, I had tried just about everything offered to me by many physicians and had no relief. I initially started seeing Catalina once a week for the first 2 months. From the first visit with Catalina, I started to notice small changes in my health. The first change was the feeling of hope once again, she assured me that over time, and with hard work it would be possible to become free of all medications. I had been athletic all of my life, running and weight training had been a huge part of my life for over 30 years. The amount of steroids that I had been put on over 6 years had done so much damage to my body. There were days where I could not get out of bed, I had no energy, my eye sight was failing, I couldn’t drive myself or my children around. I worried about losing my sight permanently, along with liver and kidney failure from all the medication I was on.
I decided to see Catalina twice a week from November to the present day to see if it would speed up my recovery. Over the past four months I was slowly able to ween myself off all medication. It has been 40 days without relying on any medicine for my diseases. My doctors say it is a medical miracle. They are thrilled with my progress, and many doctors have asked for Catalina’s contact information for other patients and for themselves. I am back to running 15 miles a day, weight training and my energy level is soaring! I have gotten my life back because of the reiki work that Catalina and I have done together. Reiki has also helped me with the healing of my soul. I feel like I am more in touch with my mind and body. I have learned and I am still learning about the gifts I have to share with others and it has opened up creative feelings in me that I never knew where there.
The best is yet to come for me! Sky’s the limit for me and my future. I continue to see Catalina on a weekly basis, and look forward to my continued health recovery. I want as many people as possible to know that Reiki, and Catalina has not only changed my life, but saved my life and I will be forever thankful. I am truly blessed to have met her.
Beth Gambella – Huntington, NY
Reiki and Anxiety
The moment I met Catalina, I knew we had a connection and that she would help me to heal. Within five minutes of meeting her, Catalina was able to pinpoint my emotional ailments and assure me that I would, in fact, be all right. My primary issue was my intense anxiety and how it was impacting my daily life. I had many unresolved feelings I needed to address in order to heal and working with Catalina helped me to do just that. Since working with Catalina, I have become more intuitive and trust myself more. Many suppressed issues have surfaced and I have been able to confront them in order to mend my spirit. I didn’t realize how strong I am and how I could deal with the intense emotions that emerged after my Reiki sessions. I did not just “deal” with them—I am overcoming the pain and the hurt that has restrained me for way too long. I would unreservedly recommend Reiki with Catalina because she is truly a gifted healer. Her support throughout the process was invaluable and I look forward to continuing to work with her.
Valerie Domenech – Long Island, NY – Teacher
Calm and Empowering
Before receiving Reiki I was feeling extremely anxious and as if I couldn’t get out of my head. I was constantly wrapped up in my own thoughts and worried about anything and everything.
I had my hesitations about whether or not reiki would be able to help me overcome my anxiety and help me feel calm all the time and not just after a session but decided to give it a try.
After receiving Reiki I felt an overall calmness that I had never experienced before and since starting Reiki sessions I don’t feel anxious like I used to feel. I am not always worrying and I don’t feel “stuck” in my thoughts. Those feelings were replaced with more of a positive and balanced feeling. I am able to see the joy in life instead of just worrying about every little thing.
What I like best about Reiki is the empowerment I feel after a session. It makes me feel a strength inside that I wasn’t aware existed.
I would recommend Reiki with Catalina Rivera because I felt a connection with her, which I feel is very important. Catalina is very genuine and caring which made me feel more comfortable and trusting. Catalina is very good at what she does and is very passionate about her work.
Elizabeth Burgalassi – Long Island, NY –Teacher
Reiki and Wellbeing/Conception
When I received my first Reiki session from Catalina I wasn’t sure what to expect, so I lay on the table, relaxed in my comfortable clothing, and kept my eyes closed ready to accept any and all healing. I was in the process of weaning my daughter off of breastfeeding in hopes of conceiving another child.
As Catalina placed her hands over me, I felt a sensation of both warmth and energy at the same time. I grew more and more relaxed throughout the session and even fell asleep.
When I awoke, I was alert, clearheaded, and deeply relaxed. I didn’t seek treatment for any physical ailments or medical issues, so my body felt the same after treatment. What was different was an overwhelming feeling of calm and good. This overall sense of well-being lasted a couple of days, and I conceived another baby a couple months later!
Wendie Aston- Locust Valley, NY- Certified Holistic Health Coach